Every AimUp Signals user is automatically granted right to promote our services. All you have to do is register a free account with us. Login and then head to your affiliate dashboard. You will find all the available promotion tools and statistics there. Please do not spam all around the internet about our service. Do it wisely and gently. If you do it right you will be able to earn amazing commissions from 1st and 2nd tier referrals. The commission paid to you for sales from 1st tire referrals is 15% and 10% for sales from your 2nd tire referrals. Basically if you bring 3 users for your 1st tire and they bring 2 users you will have 3 users from 1st tire and 6 users from 2nd tire. If they all are paying members at our website then you can earn enough every month from referrals to pay off your monthly membership. We have some affiliates tips in our blog. You might want to review them.