It does not matter if you are total newbie or advanced forex trader.
Our service is available and valuable to everyone!
All details will be explained in the next section.
This is the BIG picture steps:
1. Register at our website from here.
2. Clear your browser cookies and register a real trading account at our trusted broker. Take a look below to find which broker we recommend you.
3. Verify your broker registration with us.
4. Make a deposit at the broker.
5. Choose the membership you like and buy it.
This is it. Enjoy!
Its that simple.
If you are not sure yet you can always register a free account with us and take a look around.
Below you will find details about each step that should get you going in no time.
This one is a little bit tricky. Before actually going to IC Markets you have to clear your browser cookies. If you are not sure how to clear your browser cookies please read below:
For Chrome browser users please read this article: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/32050?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en&oco=1
For Mozilla Firefox browser users please read this article: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/clear-cookies-and-site-data-firefox
For Safari browser users please read this article: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201265
You do not need to clear all your browsing cookies. Just make sure you do not have any cookies available from IC markets before you sign up.
Now that you know how to clear your browsing cookies you can go to IC Markets and register using our partner link: https://www.icmarkets.com/?camp=49614
The registration is simple. Try to get a higher leverage. We use 500:1. If you want to earn the same amounts as we do then this will be the right choice for you too.
We also recommend you to open an account with $1000 because this amount will allow your trading account to be more flexible and handle more opened positions. Our trading robots might open multiple trading positions so your trading account should be able to handle them all at once.
If you have any questions or doubts about anything so far, please do not hesitate to contact us. We always try to answer as soon as possible.
Registration at our website is free. You can register any time you like. However, we allow 1 account per person. To register please visit our register page HERE.
Once you register, you will receive an email to confirm your email address provided within the registration process. In that email you will find a confirmation link that you must click. When you click the link our website will open in your browser with notification for confirmation. That is how your register and confirm your account with us. Please be aware that some email providers might filter our emails as spam. So check your spam folder if you can not find the confirmation email after registration. Also keep in mind that if the email is in your spam folder you might not be able to click the link. That is a standard safety prevention used from google and other email providers. To be able to click the link you will have to move the confirmation email to your email inbox. You might also want to add our email address to your safe email list. That is how you can make sure you will not miss any important event and/or promotions send to you by email from us. Do not worry about your email address. We will never sell your information to 3th parties and we are not planning to send trillion emails to you spamming your favorite email service. We only send important emails and probably some actual promotions. This is it.
After successful registration at IC markets you have to contact us to verify your registration. The verification process might take up to 24-48 hours if no other issues were met.
Please share with us your trading account number and the name used to register at IC Markets. We will check with the broker if your registration went well.
You probably are asking yourself why do we need to verify your registration? Well… it is no secret that we earn extra money from the broker. It is not much but they pay us commission for each lot that our users trade on their platform. For us that is like a bonus to the tax that you are paying to access our trades. Some other companies prefer to put higher prices on their packages but we dont. We prefer to set lower prices and get the difference from our trusted forex broker. This should also make you more comfortable because we get our commissions based on traded lots. That means if you stay active and trading for longer period then we will earn more commissions. While you profit and stay with us, we also profit. As we already stated on our home page… our business depends on you. Consider it as a win win situation.
Every AimUp Signals user is automatically granted right to promote our services. All you have to do is register a free account with us. Login and then head to your affiliate dashboard. You will find all the available promotion tools and statistics there. Please do not spam all around the internet about our service. Do it wisely and gently. If you do it right you will be able to earn amazing commissions from 1st and 2nd tier referrals. The commission paid to you for sales from 1st tire referrals is 15% and 10% for sales from your 2nd tire referrals. Basically if you bring 3 users for your 1st tire and they bring 2 users you will have 3 users from 1st tire and 6 users from 2nd tire. If they all are paying members at our website then you can earn enough every month from referrals to pay off your monthly membership. We have some affiliates tips in our blog. You might want to review them.
The trading slots are the limits we put for trading accounts to control the risk of trading.
Every user can buy unlimited slots from any membership we have available at any given time.
One slot is when you purchase any of our memberships once only. It allows you to use our services for trading accounts from $0 to $3000. If you are willing to use our services for higher account balances then you will have to buy more slots of the chosen membership.
Here is an simple example:
You are willing to open an trading account with $15000. You have chosen our Gold membership. To be granted access to our services you have to buy 5 slots (5 times) from the golden membership. Alright so far so good. You have your trading account ready to go. You have verified it with us and you have purchased the 5 slots mentioned above. So what now? Let say you purchased the 5 slots on 3th of march. That means you will have access to our services for 1 month. Your membership will end on 3th of april. In that month your account for example have grow with 25% which is additional $3750 to your initial deposit. So now you have $18750 in your trading account. That means you will have to purchase one more slot within your next period because 18750/3000=6.xx. If you are willing to use our services from 4th of april to 4th of may with the amount that you have now ($18750) then you have to buy 6 slots from the golden membership.
Please keep in mind that it is all up to you how you manage your trading account. You can withdraw money from your trading account at any given time. Following the example above let say that you are willing to withdraw the earnings but keep the initial balance in. So you go to the broker and request a withdraw for $3750 (or any other amount) and you are now left with $15000 in your trading balance. So in april you will only need 5 slots from our golden membership in order to keep your access to our services because $15000/3000=5.
It is important to know that no matter what the only one who is able to withdraw money from your trading account is you. All withdrawals are done by visiting your account at the broker website. Also we do not have any control over withdrawals from the broker as well as deposits. You are 100% responsible for your actions in relation to the broker. The broker might apply withdrawal taxes and charges. Your relation with the broker is not related to us in any way. You must follow the broker terms of use and get familiar with all taxes and charges the broker might apply.
Yes. You can register for free and we dont mind about it. By registering at our website you will get access to your user dashboard and your affiliate dashboard. We do not provide free trading signals. We believe we dont need to proof anything. You can use our affiliate tools and dashboard to promote our services right away. However, we recommend you be gentle and not spam all over. Yes we do offer good commissions for our affiliates but on the other hand we prefer to keep our name clean and not connected with the word spam etc.