Registration at our website is free. You can register any time you like. However, we allow 1 account per person. To register please visit our register page HERE.
Once you register, you will receive an email to confirm your email address provided within the registration process. In that email you will find a confirmation link that you must click. When you click the link our website will open in your browser with notification for confirmation. That is how your register and confirm your account with us. Please be aware that some email providers might filter our emails as spam. So check your spam folder if you can not find the confirmation email after registration. Also keep in mind that if the email is in your spam folder you might not be able to click the link. That is a standard safety prevention used from google and other email providers. To be able to click the link you will have to move the confirmation email to your email inbox. You might also want to add our email address to your safe email list. That is how you can make sure you will not miss any important event and/or promotions send to you by email from us. Do not worry about your email address. We will never sell your information to 3th parties and we are not planning to send trillion emails to you spamming your favorite email service. We only send important emails and probably some actual promotions. This is it.